our story

At its birth in North Carolina’s Blue Ridge Mountains and amid the bustle of entrepreneurial ambition, a business magazine called BIZZMAGS made its debut. Established by Henry Nkwah a passionate entrepreneur with a vision who wanted to leave an impactful mark in 2020’s global environment, Henry decided to launch BIZZMAGS as a means of making lasting impactsful changes amongst businesses of all types and sizes in North Carolina and beyond.

Henry Nkwah was driven to establish BIZZMAGS by his belief in knowledge’s transformative power and potential. Drawing upon his background in both business and media, he saw an opening in the market for an informative publication which could bridge between high-level strategy and practical, actionable advice for entrepreneurs, small business owners and corporate leaders alike.

From its inception, BIZZMAGS was intended to be more than merely another business magazine. Henry’s vision for it was something much grander: an oasis that celebrated innovation, encouraged leadership development, and provided deep insights into an ever-evolving world of business. By keeping abreast of emerging trends while upholding journalistic excellence, Henry wanted BIZZMAGS‘ readers empowered enough to navigate its complex environment.

At first, BIZZMAGS‘ early days were full of activity. Henry quickly assembled a talented team of writers, editors, and creative designers who shared his vision. Soon thereafter, their hard work paid off when its inaugural issue hit stores to great acclaim: featuring interviews with prominent business leaders, analyses of market trends, practical advice columns, and much more, BIZZMAGS quickly garnered a dedicated readership.

One of the hallmarks of BIZZMAGS has always been its commitment to diversity and inclusivity. Henry Nkwah’s firm belief in the power of diverse perspectives meant that this magazine featured stories from across industries and voices; from tech startups to family-owned businesses – BIZZMAGS consistently displayed all aspects of business life!

As BIZZMAGS expanded, so did its influence. The magazine became an invaluable resource for professionals across North Carolina and beyond, with an expanding digital presence featuring exclusive online content, webinars and interactive features on a comprehensive website; social media channels buzzing with updates; and business enthusiasts turning to BIZZMAGS‘ podcasts as their go-to source of insights on-the-go.

BIZZMAGS first unveiled their “Innovators Under 40” list in 2022, honoring rising leaders making waves in various fields. Not only did this initiative recognize talent, but it also created an incredible network of dynamic individuals who could work together and inspire each other – an event which quickly became a highlight in business calendars across the nation.

BIZZMAGS‘ success can be attributed to its unwavering dedication to quality and relevance. Under Henry Nkwah’s direction, the magazine has successfully navigated through the challenges associated with digital publication while remaining an inspirational source. Their editorial team continues to explore new formats and mediums to keep their readers engaged with BIZZMAGS magazine.

BIZZMAGS looks forward with optimism as plans are underway to expand international coverage, providing its readers with global business stories. Focused on sustainability, innovation and leadership principles – BIZZMAGS promises its readers the tools necessary for success in an ever-evolving world.

As BIZZMAGS celebrates its milestones, its core principles remain true to what Henry Nkwah set forth at its inception: dedication to excellence, passion for storytelling and commitment to empowering the business community. Within the vibrant business media landscape, BIZZMAGS stands as an outstanding example of what can be accomplished with vision, hard work and relentless pursuit of excellence.

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